Embroidered Items and Vestments For Orthodox Churches From USA
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Protodeacon, deacon Orarion Gold
Deacon Orarion from Velvet Cotton with Premium Metallic Threads
fully embroidered protodeacon double orarion with cuffs with icons of sts.
fully embroidered protodeacon double orarion with cuffs
Protodeacon orarion. Greek style (1 piece)
Subdeacon deacon orarion burgundy dark red gold with cuffs
Subdeacon deacon orarion black with or without cuffs
Subdeacon deacon orarion. Dark red.
Subdeacon deacon orarion
Protodeacon orarion fully embroidered, in different colors
Deacon orarion fully embroidered, in different colors, with Seraphims
Deacon orarion fully embroidered, in different colors
Protodeacon orarion with icons of peter and Paul on it
Double protodeacon orarion fully embroidered with cuffs
Embroidered deacon orarion and cuffs